Resources for evidence-based teaching practices and institutional change
suggested by members of our Network

Resources on evidence-based effective teaching practices

Teaching for Student Success--interviews with leaders in education research, including findings and applications from their studies

Digital resources
Tools for more equitable higher education--a curated collection of resources including best practices in the classroom, revising syllabi, and effective first day of class, from the organization Equity Accelerator

Evidence-based teaching guides--from the leading biology education journal CBE Life Sciences Education

Small Teaching: Everyday Lessons from the Science of Learning (Lang, 2016) An engaging explanation of small changes teachers can make to incorporate evidence-based practices into their classes.
Teaching and Learning STEM (Felder & Brent 2016)
Teach Students How to Learn (Maguire, 2015)
Make It Stick: The Science of Successful Learning (Brown, Roediger, & McDaniel, 2014)
Creating the Path to Success in the Classroom (Gabriel, 2018)
Inclusive Teaching--Strategies for Promoting Equity in the College Classroom (Hogan & Sathy, 2022)

Resources on institutional change

The Excellence Project--describes the Inclusive Excellence Initiative, funded by the Howard Hughes Medical Institute, with episodes devoted to different institutions that participate and their experiences

Digital resources
Benchmarks for Teaching Effectiveness--as part of a National Science Foundation project on reforming how teaching is evaluated, the University of Kansas developed a comprehensive, thoughtful, and evidence-based rubric for evaluating teaching and many related materials such as guides for faculty on how to document their success in teaching. This rubric could be used as a basis for institutions to move away from student evaluations which are known to be biased and reform how they evaluate teaching. Highly recommended.

"Change theory in STEM higher education: a systematic review" by DL Reinholz, I White, and T Andrews (2021). International Jounal of STEM Education 8:37. This review describes 8 different theories used in the literature to explain how change occurs in STEM higher education.

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